The 7 Shifts is a brand new book that is enabling coaches, thought leaders and business experts to reach more people, get paid bigger fees and have a greater impact - without the need for complex funnels, being a slave to social media or annoying direct messaging strategies...
Karen Williams.
Amazon Best Selling Author of "The 7 Shifts" and eight other business books and book mentor to hundreds of business owners
Dear Friend,
If you've ever dreamt of writing a business building book that establishes you as the go-to expert, builds an avid following and sells all around the world, then this invitation might just change the trajectory of your life, and all the lives of your future readers and new clients...
But, first a warning...
Before we go any further, let me make something abundantly clear.
The number of people writing business books is rapidly on the increase.
As, like you, they’ve cottoned on to all the benefits of a great book. And the fact that it is a “long term asset” which will raise your credibility, attract loyal followers and demonstrate why you are your future clients' best chance of success, for many years to come.
My first book, published over ten years ago now, is still making me money, building my reputation and gaining me enquiries and clients.
Though when I wrote it, I was in the minority. As few business owners back then really got what a good book could do for them.
Now, it’s a very different story.
Because a newly published business book is added to Amazon every 45 minutes...
Every 45 minutes!
As you can imagine, this presents a significant problem.
Because the rise in business owners wanting to be seen as a respected author has led many ‘overnight’ experts to jump onto the "book writing bandwagon".
All claiming that they can teach you how to write a bestseller when most haven’t done it themselves (or at least not more than once) and don't have the experience of helping hundreds of authors to write their business building books and achieving the number one spot on Amazon.
Instead, they churn out ideas and outdated techniques they've just taken from someone else without knowing if they really work.
What’s worse, is they often promote damaging ideas such as “you can write a book in a weekend” or run “30 day book challenges”, where they encourage people to bang out content so quickly that it doesn't do justice to their skills, knowledge and life experiences.
This, unfortunately, results in most people going through those kinds of programmes feeling overwhelmed and suffering nagging doubts about whether their content is good enough.
Meaning many of those people give up.
Believing it must be their fault that they never finished when, really, it was the flawed system they were following that was the real problem.
And out of the tiny percentage who do finish, most are deeply disappointed by how poorly their books do.
Especially when they get scornful reviews from complete strangers, such as:
“Nothing new in this book. Read such and such instead as it’s a billion times better”
"Yawn... What a boring book. I've only given it one star because I couldn't give it zero stars, as it was that bad!!"
"Do NOT buy this book as the author obviously doesn't care about their readers, as it's full of mistakes, doesn't make sense and feels like it's a hotch potch of ideas that haven't been thought through"
This is the reason why I’ve written my latest book, The 7 Shifts.
You see, I’m tired of seeing good people waste time and money on overpriced courses that are shoddily put together by these so-called 'experts' trying to profit from the rapid growth of the business book industry.
Courses that often cost thousands, yet contain ineffective and outdated information that pushes you towards banging out a book as fast as possible - without giving the content the time and attention it deserves...
...resulting in a book you're not proud of and which could even damage your hard-earned reputation.
Which is the last thing you, or I, would ever want...
Especially when you've got an important message you want to get out to the world...
Listen, I’ve been writing books and helping other business owners write theirs since 2009 (way before the industry was booming like it is now).
In that time, I've helped many hundreds of business owners write books they are immensely proud of. Some of which are now Amazon best-selling authors who have enjoyed watching their books stay in the Top Ten for months at a time.
I’m also a sought after speaker on the topic and have been invited to contribute to books like the Bloomsbury Writers' & Artists' Guide to Self-Publishing and speak at the London Book Fair's Writer's Summit.
It’s my passion to help others develop the skills and confidence they need to write a book that builds their businesses, proves their credibility and makes a real difference.
A book they can be truly proud of...
A book that WOWS their future readers...
A book that builds their business and enables them to make a bigger difference...
A book that proves their expertise and builds their authority...
Which is why I hate seeing all the opportunists jump into the industry, hoping to make a quick buck by taking advantage of good people who just want to help others.
I’ve been in business long enough to know how this goes…
Due to the fact that so many business owners are now thinking about writing and because of the immeasurable value a great business book will bring, the growing number of ‘overnight’ experts will use these facts to justify high prices for their poorly thought out programmes.
Programmes far in excess of what many can afford or want to invest.
So I've decided to make a stand by putting my best ideas, secret methods and latest thinking on how you write a world-class book which will transform your readers' lives and lead them to becoming loyal and passionate clients, into my latest book, The 7 Shifts.
So is writing a book right for you? Here’s a simple way to figure this out…
You’ve landed on this page because you’ve clicked on one of our online ads. Or read something we’ve been mentioned in.
You also understand our mission. Which is to save aspiring business authors from those sharing dangerous ideas and outdated techniques. And instead give them the most efficient, effective and proven method of writing a world class book that is truly loved by their readers.
But how do you know if writing a book is right for you?
Well, in my experience, you’re an ideal fit if you meet any of the criteria below. And if you tick three or more, the answer is a definite yes!
So go through the list and see what resonates with you:
- You have a message you need to share...
- You want to stand out in your market...
- You want to be seen as an authority...
- You want to prove your knowledge and expertise...
- You want to create an asset that will last a lifetime...
- You want to ensure your knowledge doesn’t die with you...
- You have amazing stories that people would benefit from...
- You’ve been told many times that you should write a book...
- You want speaking gigs, podcast interviews and similar opportunities...
- You’d love to be able to gift your book to people...
- You want to attract higher-paying clients...
- You want to save time and not have to keep repeating yourself...
- You want to prove to the world you’re serious about your business...
- You’d love to enjoy the kudos of being a published author...
Now, you may read through that list and think “everyone will tick one of those boxes” - but you'll be wrong.
Many business owners just want an easy life. They’re happy doing the same thing day in day out, or they’re not passionate enough about their business to take action.
They never think about how fast life is passing them by, or what they could be missing out on, by not writing that book they've always dreamt of writing and never living up to their full potential.
Though, I’m guessing if you’re here, that’s not you.
My guess is that, like me and the hundreds of business owners I’ve helped, you want to live a full and exciting life. And that list above speaks to you on some level and the thought of becoming a published author gives you a deep sense of fulfilment.
So, whilst £7 is within reach of everyone, let me just put your mind further at rest, before telling you exactly what you’ll discover when you buy my book…
Why learn from me? Undeniable proof…
Remember how I said that the skyrocketing demand has led to many pretenders and opportunists jumping into the industry?
Well… how do you know I’m not one?
Because the last thing you want to do is spend anything, no matter how small, with people who don’t actually know what they are doing!
So, here’s a small handful of things that you should know about me:
Back in 2009, I started to pen my first book - The Secrets of Successful Coaches.
I interviewed eleven well known coaches for the book, including Michael Neill, Gladeana McMahon, Suzy Greaves and Dawn Breslin, to uncover their secrets of success. Brian Tracy, a famous speaker and motivation coach, wrote the foreword and it was my first Amazon bestseller.
Eighteen months later, I published my second bestseller, How to Stand Out in Your Business. And it was at that time that other business owners started asking for my help, so that they could replicate my success.
Fast forward to today and I’ve now written nine books and am thinking about the next. Plus, as the Librotas Book Mentor, I’ve helped hundreds of fellow authors successfully publish their books and get similar results.
I’ll put your mind even more at ease in a moment by removing all the risks when you buy my book.
Though first, let me tell you exactly what the low £7 price will get you - as I think this is going to blow you away…
A brand new book by Karen Williams
The 7 Shifts: How to transform your future readers' lives, so that they want to work with you, rave about you and recommend you to others...
There's a dangerous myth in writing.
Most people think they need to hide themselves away to look inside and then pull out what they want to write about.
And, unfortunately, that's what many so-called 'experts' encourage you to do - to create a mind map of what you know and then get what's in your head onto paper... fast!
And sure, if you do that... and if you get to the finish line... you are an author of a book.
But so what!
Remember, a new business book is added to Amazon every 45 minutes. So competition is fierce and gone are the days of being different just because you’ve got a book.
Just like you, your future readers have shelves of books that they've not read or given up on after reading a few pages.
Think about it, they've been exposed to lots of ideas, tools and techniques. Not just in books, but on social media and via videos, webinars, audio books, conferences and conversations with other business owners.
Which is why your future readers will very quickly make a judgement if they are not inspired by your content and ideas.
And that's a serious problem.
So, just how do you inspire your readers?
As this is the missing piece that all the other so-called book experts are not telling you...
If you come closer, I'll let you into the secret.
Going into your mind and pulling out what you know and want to write about is all about you.
And that's the mistake.
Listen, your book isn't about you.
It's about your reader.
It's about what moves them...
It's about what excites them...
It's about what transforms their thinking...
It's about overcoming their scepticism and what will stop them from taking action...
Do that effectively and you've got their attention.
Do it in the right way and you've got a loyal fanbase who want to work with you, recommend you and rave about you.
Which is why, when you read my book, I'lI flip the focus of your thinking onto how you can identify and then 'shift' seven very specific thoughts in your readers' minds. So they feel moved by your content and believe you are their best chance of getting the result they want - all in a natural, authentic and genuine way.
All the best books do it, such as Profit First, Chillpreneur and The Miracle Morning.
And that's the reason why they are bestsellers.
Because I can pretty much guarantee that if they had missed one or two of these 'shifts', they wouldn't be anywhere near as successful as they are.
Read this section again if you need to.
As it's critical to your success.
Both when writing your book.
And in any piece of content you create.
Because it is these 7 Shifts that are missing from most business books.
Which is why most business authors are deeply disappointed with their books and fail to get the results they had hoped for...
... but it doesn't have to be that way for you.
Let me share exactly what you'll get when you buy my brand new book, The 7 Shifts.
The 7 Shifts is divided into two parts.
The first part is focused on the 7 Shifts, what they are and how you can trigger them using a very specific three-part formula.
In it, we will look at you and what you do, your audience and who they are, and how you come up with the big idea they want to hear about.
Full of tangible examples and backed up with scientific evidence, you will find the thinking behind this section revolutionary. Especially as much of it can be applied to other areas of your marketing and business.
The second part of the book is where I take you by the hand and walk you through a framework of what needs to be in your book, from the front page all the way through to the back cover, and everything in between.
Designed to be logical, quick and easy to follow, having this framework means you can just concentrate on your ideas and content, rather than getting frustrated wondering what needs to be included and in what order.
Meaning that by the time you've finished reading The 7 Shifts, you will have everything you need to write your best book.
When you buy The 7 Shifts, you will discover:
- What makes you unique, even if you are in a crowded market and, at first glance, doing the same as everyone else...
- Exactly how you can tap into the hard-wired architecture of your reader’s brain, so that they remember your advice and take action…
- How to find the topic for your book and the one rule you must follow in order to make it easy to write around your subject...
- The mistake that can destroy your credibility and confuse your readers you must avoid at all costs...
- The key reason why 7 Shift book readers are far more valuable than free leads obtained from any online funnel (HINT: It’s all about longevity)…
- What to do if you have a wobble when writing and how to bypass the curse of knowledge that could hold you back...
- How to use your 7 Shift book to get big speaking gigs and win high-end clients who would normally ignore you...
- The reason why a 7 Shift book will outlast any webinar, social media campaign or complex sales funnel (and it's not what you’re thinking)…
- How to use your 7 Shift book to underpin any speech, webinar, training programme or online product you ever create…
Plus, much, much more…
In addition...
When you buy The 7 Shifts book right now, you'll also get two extra bonuses!
The first is 'The 7 Shifts One Page Summary', detailing exactly what your reader needs to feel when they read your 7 Shifts book. Having this one pager means you can instantly benefit from these shifts without having to even read the book - though I highly recommend doing so to fully understand how best to 'shift' your readers!
The second is my '7 Shifts Checklist', which you can use when writing your 7 Shifts book to ensure that you will naturally and authentically transform your readers into loyal fans who buy from you, rave about you and recommend you.
At £7, if you're thinking about writing a book, can you afford NOT to buy The 7 Shifts? Especially considering this no-questions-asked money-back guarantee…
Listen, you could probably find £7 down the back of the sofa or tucked away in that pair of trousers or coat you've not worn for a while.
And you could certainly “sacrifice” a cup or two of coffee, which is a spend you’ll never get back, in order to be able to read a book that will show you exactly how to wow your readers and move them into taking action.
But regardless of what a low investment this is, I realise that buying anything from a stranger can be uncomfortable. Which is why I offer my no-questions-asked money-back guarantee…
If, for any reason at all, you’re not happy with your purchase, simply email my support team, and they’ll refund your money in full.
So the way I see it, you can take a zero-risk chance of discovering exactly how you can write a book you'll be immensely proud of and change lives in a risk-free way…
… or you can choose to do nothing, spend £7 on something else, potentially missing out on the missing link you need that will finally enable you to write your book, build your reputation and start to make a bigger difference.
Not a hard decision, is it?
Click below, sign up and access The 7 Shifts right away for a risk-free one-time payment of just £7…
Ready to sign up 100% risk free for a one-time payment of just £7? Click the button below.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
What do I get for £7?
You will get my latest book, delivered as a PDF, detailing a revolutionary way of writing your book so that your future readers will love the content.
Do I need to know what I want to write about?
No! This book will help you to discover who your perfect clients are and what they want you to write about and help them to achieve.
What if I don't know what makes me different to everyone else in my marketplace?
Again, this book is perfect for you, as it will help you uncover what is unique and why people want to work with you and read your future 7 Shifts book.
I don't like writing, is that a problem?
No, in the book I talk about the different options you can take to actually create your manuscript.
I've already started my book, so will this benefit me?
Definitely. Without knowing and applying what I cover in The 7 Shifts, you risk writing a book that will not get you the results you want.
I'm new to business and don't yet have much of a reputation, so will this still work for me?
Yes. Writing a 7 Shifts book will help you build your reputation and open doors to opportunities that would be difficult to come by without having a book.
Is it a one-time payment of £7 or are there any hidden charges?
No hidden charges. No slimy tactics. It’s a one-time payment of £7.
That’s it!
Can I ask questions along the way?
I’m afraid I’m too busy to answer personal questions. There will, however, be options to work more closely with me and other Smart Authors if you wish to accelerate your learning and be part of a community of change makers.
Will this book be released as a printed book soon?
We have no plans to launch it as a printed book right now.
What if I don’t think the £7 was worth it or decide writing a book isn’t for me?
We’ll give you your money back! It’s that simple. But we think you’ll be hooked and blown away by the content and excitement of a new adventure!
“OK I’m in! I’m so excited! Where do I sign up?”
Click the button below and…
As this is a brand new book, here's just a few comments about my previous books...
Karen writes clearly and her step-by-step approach ensures you have all the tools you need to get your business book off the ground. I also worked with her and loved how she drew my half-formed, messy book plan together and made it into something workable. Karen is a gem!
This book is full of interesting ideas and prompts you to think about all the opportunities around your own business and book. With a simple tone and clear voice, the book helps you to understand the variety of options to consider when marketing and publishing
An excellent source of information for anyone who wants to know how to market their book - it is clearly laid out and I have used some of the tips already
This helps me every day with thoughts, planning and reflections for my writing! It’s a great addition to my desk & my life as an author
Karen Williams. You've gone and done it again!! Excellent, clear and great value on every page! Loved it and have been glued to every page, following the tips, filling in the answers and absorbing the knowledge. Thanks very much
What a brilliant book. How to stand out in your business. Following Karen's strategies I am doing just that!! It is a must read for anyone who wants to step up. This week I start writing my book and I am arranging my first conference. This is indeed my year to shine and that is what I intend to do. Karen's help has been invaluable.
Karen has yet again produced another fantastic addition to my development library. Written in a way that strips out typical management speak and overdone messages, Karen takes you through a success journey that feels very personal for the reader and delivers nuggets of advice for practical application.
I read the book in one train sitting as it was impossible to put it down.
This book is another fantastic book that I have read by Karen. Her 7 steps helped me to get much clearer on my business and is one of the reasons of my success in business. It easily helps you to get your head around your business and helps you to stand out from the crowd. A must read for everyone who wants to have a successful business
What a great book! So easy to read, this is the perfect book for any person wanting to step out of their comfort zone, and reach for the stars knowing they have something more to offer, but need a friendly helping hand, whether professionally, personally or both. Thank you to Karen Williams for sharing her story, and shining her light for others to see.
I loved this book it is so easy to read, full of resonating images (to me). I devoured it in a weekend. wish it could have been written 20 years, or more, ago. If you have difficulty appreciating the star quality that you are then read this and fly.
This has got to be the best book I have read on how to go about writing that book you have been wanting to write for sooooo long. From the moment you have your idea to getting it out there in the public arena, this book has it all. It is clearly set out so it guides you through a process that is easy to understand, you feel held and supported all the way. So for all you procrastinators out there...just get the book and start writing. You will not look back at all
Easy to read guide full of helpful steps to take to get your book in front of the right audience. Worth buying, essential for authors
Fantastic book set out in a way that's easy to read and follow and plenty of actionable steps. Love it! Thank you Karen
This book was the catalyst to get my book written and for keeping my attention on writing a book that would build my business. Simple and yet highly effective way to plan and write a book that will truly be the hook for your business
Whether you're starting up in business or have been working for a while, this book will give you valuable tips and strategies to help you become more successful. It will help you get focused, get clear on your message, and help your business to stand out from the crowd
I would definitely recommend Karen's book as it is clear, simple and will be just what you need when you are starting out in the coaching world (as well as for the more experienced person).
This is a must read book for anyone starting out in business as a coach, counsellor, consultant or any other kind of support service. Karen Williams has such a clear, concise style and takes you on a journey through all the different aspects of business you need to cover. I really like the SUCCESS structure which gives shape to the book and offers additional support and information through the linked website. And I found that even though a lot of the concepts were familiaar as I've been self employed for some time, there were some really helpful reminders about business basics which are well worth revisiting. Great value!
Stepping out, walking the walk, this is Karen and this is what she shares in this book. Based around her personal story Karen shares tips and advice on living the life that you really desire to live. Getting out of your own way, celebrating success, striding out to create the impact that you want in the world. I thought the book was going to be about how introverts need to be more extrovert! As someone who tends towards introversion I know what energy and effort that takes. I was pleasantly surprised to realise that it is not about being someone else, it is about challenging yourself to be more of who you are.
Karen interweaves her personal journey with lessons and exercises for the reader. In working through the book, her journey becomes the start of your own, supporting you to live more courageously.
Copyright © 2022 Karen Williams: The Book Mentor at Librotas. All Rights Reserved
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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. The average person who buys any “how-to” information gets little to no results, so these references are for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors. Including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.